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Results from DnD web retrieved at 08:23 (Local)

Gathering Time and Place Time and Place Date: 10 Feb 2019Time: 12:30pm 6pm AEST Place: SouthBank Legend: 1 Tentative comment availability sought; session ...
Erythnul (Greater God) aka The Many.The god of slaughter, Erythnul (eh rith null), delights in panic and slaughter. In civilized lands, his followers (including evil ...
Fharlanghn (Greater God) aka Dweller on the Horizon.The wayside shrines of Fharlanghn (far lahng un), are common on well used roads. Bards, other wandering adventurers ...
Hextor (Greater God) aka Champion of Evil, Herald of Hell, Scourge of Battle.The god of tyranny, Hextor (heks tore), is the six armed god of war, conflict and destruction ...
St. Cuthbert (Greater God) aka St. Cuthbert of the cudgel.The god of retribution, St. Cuthbert (saint cuhth burt), is Lawful Neutral. He exacts revenge and just punishment ...
With green eyes and pale freckled skin, he has red hair and beard (both worn braided), of which he is very proud. Any uncomplimentary remark about his hair colour ...
Number of topics: 6
(search results)
Topic revision: r120 - 31 Dec 2014 - 19:28:58 - DavidKeegel
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