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Results from DnD web retrieved at 08:27 (Local)

Here are some pictures imported from Excel. DavidKeegel 14 Sep 2008
Cauldron (small city; population: 7,500 adults 80% human, 10% halfling, 10% other) Nestled in the throat of a dormant volcano, this frontier city has thrived in ...
Jzadriune Jzadirune is a deserted city built by gnomes under Cauldron . Here is an image we found on a wall of the map room: This map does not show traps, illusions ...
The Malachite Hold is supposed to be where the missing children were taken, and bound by half a dwarf. We are not yet sure exactly where this is, but it seems to be ...
Triel's Hideout AKA The Poisonlake Fortress Underneath Cauldron and entered by a concealed tunnel in the side of the volcano, it may be more than a mere hideout, ...
Places of Interest Looking for a little more information on that place you visited last week? Did your maps get stolen by that evil guy you fought a few days ago? ...
Non standard Class Abilities, Feats, Spells, etc. This page is for house rules and PC class abilities, feats and other special powers that are not included in the ...
Preface Note : Little point I (Siorra) notice from my copious (i.e. dull and laborious) notes: Pinker and I were awarded an additional 50 xp in the first adventure ...
Number of topics: 8
(search results)
Topic revision: r120 - 31 Dec 2014 - 19:28:58 - DavidKeegel
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