
Jzadirune is a deserted city built by gnomes under Cauldron.

Here is an image we found on a wall of the map room:


This map does not show traps, illusions or secret doors.

In a library found in SessionTen was a warning about The Vanishing.

-- DavidKeegel - 14 Sep 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pngpng jzadirune.png manage 381.9 K 14 Sep 2008 - 22:09 DavidKeegel Jzadirune map from map room
Topic revision: r5 - 27 Jan 2009 - 12:51:52 - DavidKeegel
DnD.PlaceJzadirune moved from DnD.JzadirunePlace on 22 Sep 2008 - 11:58 by DavidKeegel - put it back
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