Blog AddOn

A simple weblog application based on TWiki Forms.


Example list view (with TWiki:Plugins/PersonalInfoAddOn pictures):


Example post:



  • Integrates blog posts with TWiki topics
  • Uses editable categories to filter or group posts. Categories can also be used to distinguish multiple blogs with separate 'owners'.
  • Provides a handy interface with sorting and filtering options that can be INCLUDEd in any topic in the same Web
  • Optionally displays user pictures (if TWiki:Plugins/PersonalInfoAddOn is installed and the configure setting {Plugins}{BlogAddOn}{ShowPersonalInfoAddOnPictures} is set to 1.
    If enabled, the line in LocalSite.cfg should read:
    $TWiki::cfg{Plugins}{BlogAddOn}{ShowPersonalInfoAddOnPictures} = '1';

What's not provided:

  • A calendar display of posts
  • Paging controls to navigate lists of postings
  • The ability to close commenting or hide comments

When installed, see YourWebWithBlog.BlogAddOnHome for additional details.


  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Simple blogging application

Installation Instructions

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip in your ($TWIKI_ROOT) directory.
  • Copy the ten topics from /data/_BlogAddOn to the web you want the blog in
  • BlogAddOn can be used with TWiki 4.1 or TWiki 4.2 with CommentPlugin.
  • Alternatively,
    • Manually resolve the dependencies listed below.

AddOn Info

Authors: TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Copyright ©: 2006-2008 Arthur Clemens
License: GPL
Plugin Version: 1.2, 07 Apr 2008
Change History:  
07 Apr 2008 1.2 Added optional inclusion of author pictures from TWiki:Plugins/PersonalInfoAddOn. Important upgrade notice: this version uses WIKINAME instead of WIKIUSERNAME in the Author form field. This change is not compatible with existing blog topics. If you have existing posts, you must change all author names from Main.UserName to UserName.
26 Jan 2008 1.1 Adds the creation date to blog post topic names. Adds an Edit link to the Comments header in a blog post. Increases the height of the comment box. Bug fix: allow topic names with periods.
26 Jun 2007 1.0.9 Fixed html bug in BlogPost; added comment count to BlogPost; improved styling of form elements.
08 Apr 2007 1.0.8 Show link to latest comment in BlogPost listing. Improved readability for comments. This version relies on CommentPlugin svn release number 13313 and PatternSkin svn release number 13320, but BlogAddOn will now play nicely with other skins as well.
06 Feb 2007 1.0.7 Added no-javascript fallback to BlogPost and BlogPostCreator (so that topic can actually be created without javascript). Fixed a javascript bug that was introduced when a Core function was renamed.
25 Feb 2007 1.0.6 URL param for limit setting now overrides INCLUDE parameter.
25 Feb 2007 1.0.5 Prevents recreation/overwriting of existing topics. Added "No limit" label to filter dropdown.
15 Feb 2007 1.0.4 Removed my name from the templates.
16 Dec 2006 1.0.3 The comment topic will automatically be created as child topic of the blog post. Changed parameter reverse to sortdirection.
15 Dec 2006 1.0.2 RSS feed link to category filter, fixes to sorting/filtering.
14 Dec 2006 1.0.1 Option to set defaults when including BlogPost.
12 Dec 2006 1.0 First release.
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pngpng screenshot_list.png manage 90.1 K 08 Apr 2008 - 07:01 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
pngpng screenshot_post.png manage 50.7 K 08 Apr 2008 - 07:01 TWikiAdminGroup Saved by install script
Topic revision: r2 - 22 Sep 2008 - 21:17:45 - TWikiAdminGroup
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