TWiki> TWiki/ Web>ImgPlugin (16 Jun 2006, MeredithLesly? )EditAttach


This is a fairly winky-dink plugin that allows people to use %IMG{"foo.gif"}% instead of using HTML syntax. It allows specification of the standard attributes as well as an optional web=<web> and/or topic=<topic>.

Another small step in the eradication of html in TWiki!

Syntax Rules

  • image name is mandatory, web and/or topic optional (defaulting to the current web and topic respectively
  • Supports the img attributes 'align', 'border', 'height', 'width', 'id', and 'class
  • Always puts in an alt tag with a value of '' if not specified. This is per XHTML spec.

Argument Meaning Default Required
name attachment name none yes
web web name of the attachment current web no
topic topic name of the attachment current topic no
alt alternate text tag '' no
caption caption to go with the image none no
captionplacement one of right, left, top, bottom right no

One good addition would be the auto-addition of the image size when possible, since I believe that pages load faster that way. This may require imagemagick, however.


  • %IMG{"foo.gif"}%
  • %IMG{"foo.gif" topic="ADifferentTopic"}%
  • %IMG{"foo.gif" align="right"}%

Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %IMGPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%

  • One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Allows TWiki variable-style insertion of images in topics

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
    • Set DEBUG = 0

Plugin Installation Instructions

Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
    data/TWiki/ImgPlugin.txt Plugin topic
    data/TWiki/ImgPlugin.txt,v Plugin topic repository
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/ Plugin Perl module
  • Configure the Plugin:
    • TWiki 4.0 and up: Run the configure script to enable the Plugin
    • Change the Plugin settings as needed
  • Test if the installation was successful:
    • enter samples here

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.MeredithLesly
Copyright: © 2006, TWiki:Main.MeredithLesly
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 21 Feb 2006 (V1.000)
Change History:  
21 Feb 2006: Initial version
TWiki Dependency: $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.005
Benchmarks: GoodStyle nn%, FormattedSearch nn%, ImgPlugin nn%
Plugin Home:

Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences

-- TWiki:Main.MeredithLesly - 21 Feb 2006

Topic revision: r2 - 16 Jun 2006 - 07:48:54 - MeredithLesly?
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