Nav-Bar Add-On
TIP Example
Nav-Bar Start
Nav-Bar End

Navigation Bar Add-On Example

This topic is part of the NavBarAddOn.

Above navigation bar is defined as:

%CALC{$SET(topic, NavBarAddOn)        $SET(label, Nav-Bar Add-On) $EXEC($GET(tab))}%
%CALC{$SET(topic, NavBarAddOnExample) $SET(label, %T% Example)    $EXEC($GET(tab))}%
%CALC{$SET(topic, NavBarAddOnStart)   $SET(label, Nav-Bar Start)  $EXEC($GET(tab))}%
%CALC{$SET(topic, NavBarAddOnEnd)     $SET(label, Nav-Bar End)    $EXEC($GET(tab))}%

This navigation bar is defined once, then used by all referenced topics as follows:


-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Jul 2005

Topic revision: r1 - 16 Jul 2005 - 15:44:24 - PeterThoeny?
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