Gnoll Cleric, Undead (Large undead)
A cleric of the evil god Erythnul, this crazed, immensely strong undead was infected with some kind of disease, probably magical in nature. It is unknown what special undead abilities or clerical granted powers he possessed Also, it is uncertain whether his fear-inducing ability is caused by a spell or an ability possessed by all undead of his type, such as the fear aura of the Spawn of Kyuss.

Possessed magical chain mail and spiked chain, both heavily wired to his body so he could not be disarmed or deprived of his armour during a battle. Also had a wand of inflict moderate wounds.

Had a small demonic winged ally

-- PeterShea - 11 Feb 2011
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jpgjpg Tarkilar.jpg manage 77.8 K 11 Feb 2011 - 11:10 PeterShea  
Topic revision: r3 - 18 Feb 2011 - 22:17:03 - PeterShea
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