Skulk (Medium humanoid)
These creatures look like naked humans, except that their skin instantly changes to match the colour and pattern of their surroundings.

Combined with their great agility, they are extremely hard to hit in battle. They speak in hisses and whispers.


-- DavidKeegel - 14 Sep 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
pngpng skulk.png manage 106.2 K 14 Sep 2008 - 22:28 DavidKeegel Grey Ones
Topic revision: r6 - 18 Feb 2011 - 22:31:52 - PeterShea
DnD.MonsterSkulk moved from DnD.GreyOnes on 22 Sep 2008 - 11:55 by DavidKeegel - put it back
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