
Note: Little point I (Siorra) notice from my copious (i.e. dull and laborious) notes: Pinker and I were awarded an additional 50 xp in the first adventure due to our fabulous in-character performances at the Last Copper/Tipped Tankard tavern. I don't think this was taken into account in subsequent xp awarding. I believe that the "Chessboard adventure" Longclaw refers is suitable for, say, 100 xp for Morgana and Aramil. I've also taken the liberty of entering details from Longclaw's account, although Longclaw, you've gone a tad too far for the first session - we didn't meet Keagan until the second. I haven't gone into the second, third of fourth sessions as yet, but I've put in some details from the first session, so that those who weren't there have a better idea of what happened. Besides, I'm sick and it's late - deal with it.

DM's Note: I'm happy to accept all the XP amendments, including the extra 100 xp for Morgana and Aramil. If someone will take care of cleaning it up [Mel and David cleaned it up], I will update my spreadsheet. Also, if I have time, I'll try to upload some pictures and descriptions of some monsters and NPCs, and maybe a couple of other miscellaneous stuff.

Topic revision: r1 - 23 Sep 2008 - 13:40:30 - SheridanNelmsKeegel
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