Quick Menu Skin

A functional skin that replaces the left bar with a customizable Javascript menu system.

Screen Shot

Click for full screen image


Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this skin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the skin on the server where TWiki is running.


The menu can behave in two ways. When CLICKMENU is set to 0 then the menu automatically shows when you hover the mouse over the menu. When it is set to 1 then the menu is activated by clicking on it. By default CLICKMENU is set to 0.

To add different menus to the menubar you can set QUICKMENUBAR to the topic containing the javascript for your own custom menus. By default QUICKMENUBAR is set to %TWIKIWEB%.QuickMenuBar, have a look at QuickMenuBar to see how the menus are created.

To change settings just add them to TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences, or your personal page.

   * Set CLICKMENU = 1

Modifying Menus

The menu bar is built by default from QuickMenuBar, which in turn includes QuickMenuBarLogin (if login is enabled) and QuickMenuBarWebs and QuickMenuBarUtilities. If internationalisation is enabled, then QuickMenuBarLanguage is also included. These files contain javascript commands that are included by the skin's templates. You can edit these files to customize the menu, but be sure to avoid unwanted linking by enclosing your code in <noautolink> ... </noautolink> tags.

QuickMenu Javascript Reference

QuickMenu Examples

Skin Info

Description: Functional skin that replaces the left bar with a customizable Javascript menu system
Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Preview: Preview with this topic
Base Name: quickmenu
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/VernonLyon
Skin Version: 1 Feb 2007 (v1.07)
Change History:  
1 Feb 2007: Added a missing template for TWiki 4.1.0 (v1.07)
21 Nov 2006: Added backlinks template, Fixed IE "select" bug, Menu items are actual links, Cleaner interface (v1.06)
13 Sep 2006: Fixed IE bug (v1.05)
18 Jul 2006: Added language support (v1.04)
13 Jul 2006: Added support for icons in the menubar (v1.03)
4 Jul 2006: Added QUICKMENUBAR setting (v1.02)
21 Jun 2006: Added "Account" menu (v1.01)
13 Jun 2006: Initial version (v1.00)
Skin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/QuickMenuSkin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/QuickMenuSkinDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/QuickMenuSkinAppraisal

Related topic: TWikiSkins, TWikiSkinBrowser, UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory

-- TWiki:Main/VernonLyon - 13 Jun 2006

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