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Results from DnD web retrieved at 08:17 (Local)

Character Information for Morgana Le Fay Vital Statistics Abilities Statistics Feats Languages Special Abilities Skills ...
Magical Items Wondering what that spell was that almost killed you today? Or maybe you "stumbled" upon a magical ring in your adventures but not sure what it does ...
NeilMurray 13 Nov 2008 Mandolin Essentially a smaller version of the lute, a mandolin is usually between 20 inches and 2 feet long. It has a straighter neck than ...
Other stuff that can't be categorised yet!
Choker (Small aberration) Moving slowly over all surfaces and slopes, it is nevertheless very agile. Combined with its leathery skin and small size, it is difficult ...
Dark creeper (small humanoid) DavidKeegel 22 Sep 2008
Demon (Small), Type 1 (Small outsider) Winged demon who could turn invisible and had a Constitution damaging sting in its tail. Had one of the Wands of Water Control ...
Ettercap (Medium aberration Humanoid arachnid. Able to spin and throw powerful sticky web nets. Has multiple eyes and needs little or no light to see by. Natural ...
Gnoll Cleric, Undead (Large undead) A cleric of the evil god Erythnul, this crazed, immensely strong undead was infected with some kind of disease, probably magical ...
Grell (medium sized aberration) aka "flying brain" PeterShea 18 Jan 2009
Hobgoblin, magma (medium sized humanoid) At first glance, these creatures appear to be normal hobgoblins. However, to creatures with darkvision, they glow. This glow ...
Kopru (Medium outsider) Aquatic demon. Once, they were numerous enough on the material plane to build the complex under Cauldron now serving as Triel's hideout. They ...
Monster Manual #ListStart A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C Construct, Gnome (see Pulverizer ...
Pulverizer Automaton (Large construct), aka digging machine. Created by gnomes, and responds to commands in Gnome. Unreliable, but can fight when commanded. ...
Ragomuffyn (Medium construct)We have seen a ragomuffyn wrapped around a skulk: MonsterToughGreyOne DavidKeegel 23 Sep 2008
Skulk (Medium humanoid) These creatures look like naked humans, except that their skin instantly changes to match the colour and pattern of their surroundings. Combined ...
Skulvyn (Large outsider) Aquatic demon. About 10 feet long, they have 4 razor sharp tails (coated with a bleeding poison) and sharp claws and teeth. They are as strong ...
Slaad, Mud (Medium outsider) Fiendish creature from another dimension which looks somewhat like a monstrous frog. Almost the size of an adult human, its eyes glow ...
Spawn of Kyuss (Medium undead) Look like well rotted zombies. However these undead are cunning and carry a nasty magical disease carried by green grubs which writhe ...
Spider, Harpoon (Large aberration) Not actually a spider (extra pair of legs), this foul monster is actually a creature from the Underdark. Its tough, chitinous body ...
Tongue Eater (Medium humanoid) Werebaboon leader of the raiding party who killed all the staff and guests at the Lucky Monkey. Tough, but no match for the party's ...
This looks exactly like a grey one but wrapped in gauzy rags which seemed to have a life of their own. DavidKeegel 14 Sep 2008
Umber Hulk (Large aberration) About 8 feet tall, stocky and covered with chitinous natural armour, these massively muscled insectoid horrors somewhat resemble a cross ...
Number of topics: 23
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Topic revision: r120 - 31 Dec 2014 - 19:28:58 - DavidKeegel
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