Results from DnD web retrieved at 08:48 (Local)

Starbrow is the name of Keygan Ghelve's rat familiar. DavidKeegel 25 Sep 2008
Artus A shady character who sells information. May be contacted via the "Tipped Tankard" inn. PeterShea 01 Oct 2010
Turning Undead (Class Ability) Source: House rules, based on 3.5 spell casting mechanics and incorporating ideas from The Complete Divine , page 87. Instead of ...
Combined Glossary This page is an experiment to see whether a combined glossary would be "too big". For now at least, it is manually maintained, so if someone adds ...
Blingdenstone Quests Task Reward Who Date Known Progress Notes Stop Orc raids Jallus? 2014 04 06 4 orcs dead orcs raid from ...
Sandbox This is an area of the DnD web on twiki where you can experiment with things, without being concerned about messing up something that other people were using ...
Ebon TriadSome kind of heretical alliance between 3 evil gods: Erythnul, Hextor and Vecna PeterShea 01 Oct 2010
Greater Turning (Feat) Source : House rules inspired by The Complete Divine , page 87. Prerequisites: Turn or rebuke ability. Benefit: Doubles the effect (turning ...
NeilMurray 13 Nov 2008 Fiddle An ancestor of the modern violin, the fiddle is a small, portable, stringed instrument with a body shaped rather like an hourglass. ...
Gathering Time and Place Time and Place Date: 10 Feb 2019Time: 12:30pm 6pm AEST Place: SouthBank Legend: 1 Tentative comment availability sought; session ...
Erythnul (Greater God) aka The Many.The god of slaughter, Erythnul (eh rith null), delights in panic and slaughter. In civilized lands, his followers (including evil ...
Fharlanghn (Greater God) aka Dweller on the Horizon.The wayside shrines of Fharlanghn (far lahng un), are common on well used roads. Bards, other wandering adventurers ...
Hextor (Greater God) aka Champion of Evil, Herald of Hell, Scourge of Battle.The god of tyranny, Hextor (heks tore), is the six armed god of war, conflict and destruction ...
St. Cuthbert (Greater God) aka St. Cuthbert of the cudgel.The god of retribution, St. Cuthbert (saint cuhth burt), is Lawful Neutral. He exacts revenge and just punishment ...
With green eyes and pale freckled skin, he has red hair and beard (both worn braided), of which he is very proud. Any uncomplimentary remark about his hair colour ...
Boots of Striding and Springing A reward from ShensenTessoril for rescuing her. They increase the wearer's base speed and jumping ability. PeterShea 18 Oct 2010 ...
Goggles of Minute Seeing Originally owned by Skaven, they enable the wearer to see fine details, significantly increasing Search ability. PeterShea 18 Oct 2010 ...
Heward's Handy Haversack Similar to a bag of holding in reducing the weight and volume of items stored inside, it has a smaller capacity but, with its own straps ...
Slippers of Spider Climbing Looted from the body of the halfling wizard Skaven, they provide the wearer with the ability to spider climb for a limited period of ...
Wands of Water Control Quest items. There are 8 which needed to protect Cauldron from the annual flooding. They were stolen by Tongue Eater's bandits and handed to ...
Jenya Urikas is a human female, and the high priestess at the temple of St. Cuthbert in Cauldron. Once merely acting in this role, she is now confirmed, since the ...
Keygan Ghelve is a gnome, owner of Ghelve's Locks , a locksmith and wizard. His rat familiar Starbrow is a hostage in the ruins of Jzadirune, a city of gnome wizards ...
Members of the Last Laugh thieves guild intimidating a cleric. DavidKeegel 14 Sep 2008
Longclaw character portrait in human form: Longclaw is lean and scarred. His long, dark hair is matted, and even in human form, his yellow eyes are haunted. He ...
NeilMurray 13 Nov 2008 Longsword This classic, straight blade is the weapon of knighthood and valor. It is a favorite weapon of many paladins.
NeilMurray 13 Nov 2008 Lute This ancestor of the guitar has a pear shaped bowl and a distinctive bent neck with frets for fingering. Between four and eight strings ...
Character Information for Morgana Le Fay Vital Statistics Abilities Statistics Feats Languages Special Abilities Skills ...
Magical Items Wondering what that spell was that almost killed you today? Or maybe you "stumbled" upon a magical ring in your adventures but not sure what it does ...
NeilMurray 13 Nov 2008 Mandolin Essentially a smaller version of the lute, a mandolin is usually between 20 inches and 2 feet long. It has a straighter neck than ...
Other stuff that can't be categorised yet!
Choker (Small aberration) Moving slowly over all surfaces and slopes, it is nevertheless very agile. Combined with its leathery skin and small size, it is difficult ...
Dark creeper (small humanoid) DavidKeegel 22 Sep 2008
Demon (Small), Type 1 (Small outsider) Winged demon who could turn invisible and had a Constitution damaging sting in its tail. Had one of the Wands of Water Control ...
Ettercap (Medium aberration Humanoid arachnid. Able to spin and throw powerful sticky web nets. Has multiple eyes and needs little or no light to see by. Natural ...
Gnoll Cleric, Undead (Large undead) A cleric of the evil god Erythnul, this crazed, immensely strong undead was infected with some kind of disease, probably magical ...
Grell (medium sized aberration) aka "flying brain" PeterShea 18 Jan 2009
Hobgoblin, magma (medium sized humanoid) At first glance, these creatures appear to be normal hobgoblins. However, to creatures with darkvision, they glow. This glow ...
Kopru (Medium outsider) Aquatic demon. Once, they were numerous enough on the material plane to build the complex under Cauldron now serving as Triel's hideout. They ...
Monster Manual #ListStart A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C Construct, Gnome (see Pulverizer ...
Pulverizer Automaton (Large construct), aka digging machine. Created by gnomes, and responds to commands in Gnome. Unreliable, but can fight when commanded. ...
Ragomuffyn (Medium construct)We have seen a ragomuffyn wrapped around a skulk: MonsterToughGreyOne DavidKeegel 23 Sep 2008
Skulk (Medium humanoid) These creatures look like naked humans, except that their skin instantly changes to match the colour and pattern of their surroundings. Combined ...
Skulvyn (Large outsider) Aquatic demon. About 10 feet long, they have 4 razor sharp tails (coated with a bleeding poison) and sharp claws and teeth. They are as strong ...
Slaad, Mud (Medium outsider) Fiendish creature from another dimension which looks somewhat like a monstrous frog. Almost the size of an adult human, its eyes glow ...
Spawn of Kyuss (Medium undead) Look like well rotted zombies. However these undead are cunning and carry a nasty magical disease carried by green grubs which writhe ...
Spider, Harpoon (Large aberration) Not actually a spider (extra pair of legs), this foul monster is actually a creature from the Underdark. Its tough, chitinous body ...
Tongue Eater (Medium humanoid) Werebaboon leader of the raiding party who killed all the staff and guests at the Lucky Monkey. Tough, but no match for the party's ...
This looks exactly like a grey one but wrapped in gauzy rags which seemed to have a life of their own. DavidKeegel 14 Sep 2008
Umber Hulk (Large aberration) About 8 feet tall, stocky and covered with chitinous natural armour, these massively muscled insectoid horrors somewhat resemble a cross ...
Here are some pictures imported from Excel. DavidKeegel 14 Sep 2008
Cauldron (small city; population: 7,500 adults 80% human, 10% halfling, 10% other) Nestled in the throat of a dormant volcano, this frontier city has thrived in ...
Jzadriune Jzadirune is a deserted city built by gnomes under Cauldron . Here is an image we found on a wall of the map room: This map does not show traps, illusions ...
The Malachite Hold is supposed to be where the missing children were taken, and bound by half a dwarf. We are not yet sure exactly where this is, but it seems to be ...
Triel's Hideout AKA The Poisonlake Fortress Underneath Cauldron and entered by a concealed tunnel in the side of the volcano, it may be more than a mere hideout, ...
Places of Interest Looking for a little more information on that place you visited last week? Did your maps get stolen by that evil guy you fought a few days ago? ...
Non standard Class Abilities, Feats, Spells, etc. This page is for house rules and PC class abilities, feats and other special powers that are not included in the ...
Preface Note : Little point I (Siorra) notice from my copious (i.e. dull and laborious) notes: Pinker and I were awarded an additional 50 xp in the first adventure ...
(First) SessionPreGenOne SessionPreGenTwo (Next) Session Pre Gen One Location Session Date: 10 April 2011 Journal Entries DavidKeegel 23 May 2011
(Previous) SessionPreGenOne SessionPreGenTwo SessionPreGenThree (Next) Session Pre Gen Two Location Session Date: 22 May 2011 Journal Entries
(Previous) SessionSixtyNine SessionSeventy SessionSeventyOne (Next) Session Seventy XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSeventySeven SessionSeventyEight SessionSeventyNine (Next) Session Seventy Seven XP Character Class and Level Starting XP ...
(Previous) SessionSeventyFour SessionSeventyFive SessionSeventySix (Next) Session Seventy Five XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP ...
(Previous) SessionSeventyThree SessionSeventyFour SessionSeventyFive (Next) Session Seventy Four XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP ...
(Previous) SessionSeventy SessionSeventyOne SessionSeventyTwo (Next) Session Seventy One XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSeventySix SessionSeventySeven SessionSeventyEight (Next) Session Seventy Seven XP Character Class and Level Starting XP ...
(Previous) SessionSeventyFive SessionSeventySix SessionSeventySeven (Next) Session Seventy Six XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP ...
(Previous) SessionSeventyTwo SessionSeventyThree SessionSeventyFour (Next) Session Seventy Three XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP ...
(Previous) SessionSeventyOne SessionSeventyTwo SessionSeventyThree (Next) Session Seventy Two XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for ...
(Previous) SessionFiftyNine SessionSixty SessionSixtyOne (Next) Session Sixty XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session Final ...
(Previous) SessionSixtySeven SessionSixtyEight SessionSixtyNine (Next) Session Sixty Eight XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for ...
(Previous) SessionSixtyFour SessionSixtyFive SessionSixtySix (Next) Session Sixty Five XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSixtyThree SessionSixtyFour SessionSixtyFive (Next) Session Sixty Four XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSixtyEight SessionSixtyNine SessionSeventy (Next) Session Sixty Nine XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSixty SessionSixtyOne SessionSixtyTwo (Next) Session Sixty One XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSixtySix SessionSixtySeven SessionSixtyEight (Next) Session Sixty Seven XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSixtyFive SessionSixtySix SessionSixtySeven (Next) Session Sixty Six XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSixtyTwo SessionSixtyThree SessionSixtyFour (Next) Session Sixty Three XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
(Previous) SessionSixtyOne SessionSixtyTwo SessionSixtyThree (Next) Session Sixty Two XP Character Class and Level Starting XP XP for session ...
Shensen Tessoril Half drow druid, keeper of the shrine of Fharlanghn at the Lucky Monkey. In gratitude for her rescue by the party, she rewarded them with boots of ...
NeilMurray 13 Nov 2008 Shortbow You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use a shortbow while mounted. If you have a penalty for ...
DavidKeegel 19 Feb 2009
Skaven (Small humanoid) Evil halfling wizard with keys to Triel's Hideout and a Wand of Water Control and much nice loot. Pity the party never found out what spells ...
Short cropped black hair under a dark green leather cap, with bulging eyes: the preserved remains of his first kill, a giant frog. Sallow complexion, slightly bulging ...
Spell: AccuracyType: TransmutationLevel: Warmage 1Source: The Complete Arcane, page 96Brief: Doubles weapon s range increment.Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 standard ...
Spell: Blades of Fire Type: Conjuration (Creation) Fire Level: Ranger 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, Warmage 2 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 99 Brief: Your melee ...
Spell: Blast of Flame Type: Conjuration (Creation) Fire Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Warmage 4 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 99 Brief: 60 ft. cone deals ...
Spell: FireburstType: Evocation Fire Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Wmg 2 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 107 Brief: Subjects adjacent to the caster take 1d8/level Fire ...
Spell: Fist of Stone Type: Transmutation Earth Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Warmage 1 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 107 Brief: Gain 6 Strength and Natural ...
Spell: Hail of Stone Type: Transmutation Earth Level: Warmage 1 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 110 Brief: Stones deal 1d4/level (max 5d4) damage to creatures ...
Spell: Ice Knife Type: Conjuration (Creation) Cold Level: Ass 2, Wuj 2 (Water), Wmg 2 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 112 Brief: Magical shard of ice deals ...
Spell: Orb of Acid Type: Conjuration (Creation) Acid Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Warmage 4 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 115 Brief: Ranged touch attack ...
Spell: Orb of Acid, Lesser Type: Conjuration (Creation) Acid Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Warmage 1 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 115 Brief: Ranged touch ...
Spell: Orb of Cold Type: Conjuration (Creation) Cold Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Warmage 4 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 115 Brief: Ranged touch attack ...
Spell: Orb of Cold, Lesser Type: Conjuration (Creation) Cold Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Warmage 1 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief: Ranged touch ...
Spell: Orb of Electricity Type: Conjuration (Creation) Electricity Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Warmage 4 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief: Ranged ...
Spell: Orb of Electricity, Lesser Type: Conjuration (Creation) Electricity Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Warmage 1 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief ...
Spell: Orb of Fire Type: Conjuration (Creation) fire Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Warmage 4 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief: Ranged touch attack ...
Spell: Orb of Fire, Lesser Type: Conjuration (Creation) Fire Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Warmage 1 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief: Ranged touch ...
Spell: Orb of Force Type: Conjuration (Creation) Force Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Warmage 4 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief: Ranged touch attack ...
Spell: Orb of Sound Type: Conjuration (Creation) Sonic Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Wmg 4 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief: Ranged touch attack deals 1d4 ...
Spell: Orb of Sound, Lesser Type: Conjuration (Creation) Sonic Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Warmage 1 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 116 Brief: Ranged touch ...
Spell: Ring of Blades Type: Transmutation Level: Cleric 3, Warmage 3 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 121 Brief: Blades surround you, damaging other creatures ...
Spell: Whirling Blade Type: Transmutation Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, Warmage 2 Source: The Complete Arcane, page 129 Brief: Hurled slashing weapon magically ...
DavidKeegel DavidKeegel 28 Jul 2008
TongueEater Werebaboon leader of the raiding party who killed all the staff and guests at the Lucky Monkey. Tough, but no match for the party's combined fighting power ...
Triel (Medium humanoid) Human ex city guard, now (evil) cleric of Hextor and member of the Ebon Triad. As Tongue Eater's superior, she had organised the theft of the ...
Weapons of Mass Destruction Want to know more about that weapon you covet? Then fear not your weapon should be listed below! #ListStart A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ...
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